Sri G. Srinivasan, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, New India
Assurance said, “The quantum of increase will, however, depend on the risk
exposure. The rate hike will be made after doing a risk inspection of the
“The major loss came from hydro power stations, apart from a
number of small claims,’ Srinivasan said, admitting that the extent of damage
this time had caught many by surprise.
Further, Srinivasan said that it has opened the eyes of general
insurance companies. “We will be increasing the premium rate for hydro power
projects in that area. Such projects will attract differential pricing,
depending on the physical hazard it is exposed to in that location”, he added.
When asked on claims settlement, he said that the New India
Assurance has settled about a third of the claims, and rest will be settled in
the next couple of days.
On Kudankulam project, he said “In India, there is no cover for
hot zones in nuclear installations. There is a proposal to form a nuclear pool
in collaboration with Indian and foreign companies. But this is still in a very
beginning stage.”
“Once such a pool is in place, insurance companies will be able to
offer cover even for hot zones, where nuclear reaction takes place. The cover
is only for the cold zone at present,” Srinivasan said.
Source: http://www.insuringindia.com/
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