The Haryana government has
decided to bring rag pickers, miners, sanitary workers, rickshaw pullers and
taxi drivers under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), which has been
providing health insurance cover to economically weaker section of the society.
Street vendors, domestic workers, beedi workers, MGNREGA workers and building
and other construction workers have already been included in the scheme in
According to a spokesperson
at Health Department, this scheme will cover about 2, 16,000 additional people
including 27,000 rickshaw-pullers, 23,000 rag pickers, 27,000 miners, 22,000
sanitary workers and about 72,000 auto rickshaw and taxi drivers. The total
estimated financial burden on the exchequer will be around Rs 5.80 crore during
the fiscal year, out of which Rs. 1.45 crore (25 percent) will be borne by the
state government.
RSBY is a government-run
health insurance scheme for below poverty line (BPL) people working in an
unorganized sector. It provides smart card-based cashless hospitalization in
public as well private hospitals up to Rs 30,000. As of February 2011, about 23
million families have been enrolled in 25 states.
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